Remove a greasy stain from clothes without washing - the stain will disappear without a trace

 Effective grandmother's method!

Remove a greasy stain from clothes without washing - the stain will disappear without a trace

Probably, every person during his life faced the problem of greasy stains, which are formed due to sloppiness on clothes and spoil their beauty.

Of course, you can try modern stain removers, but they are quite expensive, so we offer you a simpler alternative.

Remove the greasy oil stain from the fabric at all without washing and unnecessary movements! The stain will disappear without a trace — this is a trick that really works.

All you need is talcum powder. It is a very good absorbent. Sprinkle the oil stain with talcum powder, press it lightly with a spoon and leave it for 1-2 hours.

Then remove the talc and brush it off.

The talc will completely absorb the oil, and not a trace will remain from the stain.

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