How to prevent dehydration if you don't like drinking plain water

 Our body can suffer from dehydration not only in summer, when it is very hot and sunny outside, but also in winter. This happens because of heating devices that dry out the air in the apartment, as well as constant temperature jumps, which force our body to spend a lot of energy to regulate body temperature.

How to prevent dehydration if you don't like drinking plain water

Many people do not like to drink plain water because it has no taste, so they often experience symptoms of dehydration: dry skin, dizziness, breathing problems, etc. If you also do not like plain water, but want to maintain a normal level of hydration of the body, use these tips.

Add fresh fruits and berries to the water

Add a few slices of lime, lemon, berries, pineapple or orange to your water bottle to give it a nice taste. You can add mint, cucumber slices and ginger to the fruit. Remember that such water must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will spoil quickly.

Make a pot of tea without sugar

Cold tea can also fill the lack of fluid in the body, so it will be an excellent substitute for ordinary water. The main thing is not to add sugar to it, so as not to increase the calorie content of your diet. Brew a few cups of green or black tea, let it cool, pour into a pitcher, and then refrigerate. If desired, add ice, pieces of fruit or herbs to the tea.

Drink sparkling water

Some are happy to drink plain water when there are bubbles in it. If you also belong to this group of people, stock up on sugar-free carbonated water and drink it instead of regular filtered water.

Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also a large amount of water. Keep a container of chopped fruits and vegetables in the fridge and snack on them when you're hungry. This will help to avoid dehydration, provide you with the necessary nutrients and will not harm your figure.

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