Fried potatoes will be ready in a matter of minutes: a culinary life hack

 This method has long been known to our grandmothers.

Frying potatoes is a simple matter, especially if the hostess has enough time to spare. But it happens that we need to fry potato slices to a golden crust literally in a matter of minutes. But you can't do this over high heat, because the potatoes will remain raw inside. How to be in this case?

Fried potatoes will be ready in a matter of minutes: a culinary life hack

There is one interesting life hack for quickly cooking fried potatoes, with which you can easily reduce the frying time by 2 times and at the same time get the same appetizing slices with a crispy crust. We will share it with you today.

How to fry potatoes in minutes?

Preparing this popular side dish is quite simple. Therefore, fried potatoes often appear on everyone's table.

To do this, you just need to follow this sequence of actions:

  • Clean the tubers, rinse them well under running water.
  • Cut them into slices of the same size.
  • Put the potato slices on a heated pan with vegetable oil or lard.
  • Fry the vegetable slices until they have a golden crust.

Usually, we spend about 15 minutes on frying potatoes in the traditional way (as described above).

We know how to do it much faster. Thanks to one small culinary trick, fried potatoes will not only be ready in a matter of minutes, but the taste will not be inferior to the one that is fried for a quarter of an hour. The potato slices will be completely cooked inside and covered with a crispy crust on the outside.

This method of frying potatoes, which we will tell you about today, is popular among catering workers who urgently need to feed a large number of people. It consists in the following...

Before putting potato slices on a hot pan with vegetable oil, potato slices should be soaked in very hot water. The water should completely cover the potatoes cut into pieces. Vegetables should stay in a hot bath for 3-5 minutes. After that, you need to drain the water, and send the potatoes to a pan with heated vegetable oil.

Potato slices should be fried in the usual way after such preparation.

Thanks to soaking the vegetable in boiling water before frying, the entire frying process will take only a few minutes.

Before you start frying the vegetable, you will soon see that the potato slices are covered with an appetizing ruddy crust. At the same time, if you pierce a potato with a knife or fork, you will feel that it is not raw inside, but soft and completely ready for consumption.

This culinary trick of soaking potatoes before cooking not only speeds up the frying process, but also allows you to remove excess starch from the vegetable. As a result, we get even crisper potato slices covered with an appetizing golden crust. This is a surefire way to get the perfect side dish.

If you want to speed up frying potatoes as much as possible and serve the dish to the table in a matter of minutes, use this simple life hack. He will definitely not let you down!

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